1612 Castle St. Wilmington, NC 28401

The Squidco Monthly Sound Series: HOOKED ON SONICS

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The Squidco Monthly Sound Series: HOOKED ON SONICS

A Monthly Experience, Every 4th Weds of the month, expect the unexpected with Squidco. SQUIDCO PRESENTS: HOOKED ON SONICS- An Auditory Adventure of Sound the likes of which, you’ve (maybe) never heard,


SQUIDCO the Entity:

Squidco is an online music store that sells improvised, composed, experimental, unusual, and other music from labels and artists around the globe. We sell physical media – CDs, LPs, DVDs, magazines, books – cultural objects of significance and permanence that represent the efforts of accomplished musicians.

Squidco’s primary catalog revolves around improvised music: Jazz, Free Jazz, Electroacoustic-Improv, Downtown New York, Musique Actuelle, Rock in Opposition, improvised rock, free vocal improv, Musique Concrete, &c. Squidco carries a catalog of compositional and avant music including John Cage, Morton Feldman, Stockhausen, Harry Partch, Xenakis, &c. We also carry an Experimental, Electronic and Sound section with artists ranging from Oren Ambarchi to Z’ev.

Phil Zampino is the owner of Squidco, which started its life in the year 2002 at 189 St. (Washington Heights) in Manhattan, NY. In 2010 Squidco moved to Wilmington, NC to expand its warehouse, to open a retail outlet, and to present live music drawn on artists represented in our catalog. If you’d like, you can take a virtual tour of our retail store.

Our goals are to introduce and provide interesting music at reasonable prices; to be a link between music enthusiasts and dedicated artists & labels; and to provide excellent customer service while doing so. Our catalog has about 7,000 items currently and continues to grow with our never-ending discoveries of adventurous and creative music.

Squidco sells unusual and experimental improvised, composed, rock, folk and other musics from labels and artists around the globe. Particular interests are in Free Jazz, Downtown NY Improv Scene, Musique Actuelle, R.I.O. (Rock In Opposition), Avant-Rock & Folk, Unusual Vocal Improv, Avant-Garde and modern compositional music, Electro-Acoustic, Electronic, Experimental, EA-Improv, lower case, Sound & Noise, Field Recordings, World Musics, Historic Recordings, and a great deal inbetween.

Squidco is located in Wilmington, North Carolina.

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