1612 Castle St. Wilmington, NC 28401


Amazing things await you at Juggling Gypsy

The Juggling Gypsy is a unique public venue for many things, in a very bohemian setting.
Just off the fringe of downtown Wilmington NC, it’s a great place to chill out and escape the commonplace. Hours of Operation

Watch live performance artists from across the world, to across the street…nightly.
Enjoy a flavored Hookah with friends and strangers.
Taste one of over 160 beers from all over the world,
Taste Wine you’ve never heard of…And there’s spirits, too!
Sample our tasty original Hummus, Artisan Grilled Cheeses, or enjoy some hot coffee, tea or Yerba Matte.
Make new friends and hatch new artistic projects in informal meetups happening all the time.
Stop by to find out what makes this place so special.

We’re open from 3pm to very very late, every day.

Juggling Gypsy Cafe Hookah bar & Entertainment Parlor (910) 763-2223
Click our Events page to find out what’s happening tonight.

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